
Find Quality Stock Images and Connect with contributors

Search for stock images and seekers on one marketplace.

Don't miss out on our upcoming Kickstarter! Secure your Early Bird Discount for our Plans.

Find Quality Stock Images and Connect with contributors

Don't miss out on our upcoming Kickstarter! Secure your Early Bird Discount for our Plans.

Search for creatives and stock media assets on one marketplace

Our Platform Features

All Creative Services are at your disposal. Every customer and contributor will be able to sign up for free.


Photos capture the world as we see it, so browse all portraits, models, and
landscapes of your choosing. The power of photography is at your fingertips.

Graphic Design

From logos that define the very roots of a brand's success to t-shirts
From highly interactive design contests to all-inclusive, end-to-end design gigs to artificial
intelligent design tools.


Everything you need to make, manage, and share brilliant videos.
Keep your content organized in a beautiful video library.

Digital Services

Browse talent by category photography, videography, graphic design, ux design,
cinematography, filmmaking, software development, web design.


Visual storytelling made simple & beautiful Cinematographers are using ServiceStock for a modern publishing platform
for visual storytellers.


From film productions to creation and editing to service offers, this is the film software built to support
creative professionals.

Our Platform Features

All Creative Services are at your disposal. Every customer and contributor will be able to sign up for free.


Photos capture the world as we see it, so browse all portraits, models, andlandscapes of your choosing. The power of photography is at your fingertips.

Graphic Design

From logos that define the very roots of a brand's success to t-shirts From highly interactive design contests to all-inclusive, end-to-end design gigs to artificial intelligent design tools.


Everything you need to make, manage, and share brilliant videos.Keep your content organized in a beautiful video library.

Digital Services

Browse talent by category photography, videography, graphic design, ux design, cinematography, filmmaking, software development, web design.


Visual storytelling made simple & beautiful Cinematographers are using ServiceStock for a modern publishing platform for visual storytellers.


From film productions to creation and editing to service offers, this is the film software built to support creative professionals.

The portal caters to a wide range of B2B and B2C clients

ServiceStock will serve regular individuals, IT/tech companies, creative agencies, e-commerce and movie businesses, news media entities, bloggers, writers, and general businesses needing basic website content.

The portal caters to a wide range of B2B and B2C clients

ServiceStock will serve regular individuals, IT/tech companies, creative agencies, e-commerce and movie businesses, news media entities, bloggers, writers, and general businesses needing basic website content.

What's Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is where innovation meets community support. It’s a platform where visionaries bring ideas to life and a unique opportunity for you to be an early adopter, a supporter of innovation, and a member of an exclusive group that shapes the future of Stock Content

By supporting ServiceStock, you’re not just backing a project; you’re becoming a part of a movement.

What's Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is where innovation meets community support. It’s a platform where visionaries bring ideas to life and a unique opportunity for you to be an early adopter, a supporter of innovation, and a member of an exclusive group that shapes the future of Stock Content

By supporting ServiceStock, you’re not just backing a project; you’re becoming a part of a movement.


Sign up for the special perks for first-day backers! Get unique add-ons, and an additional discount, when you support it on the day when we launch on Kickstarter.

Meet the Mind Behind ServiceStock

I am Louis Renaldo, a passionate and dedicated actor who believes in the power of storytelling to bridge hearts and minds.

My unique perspective and unwavering determination have fueled my artistic pursuits, allowing me to shatter barriers and redefine what it means to thrive in the world of entertainment. I thrive on collaboration and cherish the opportunity to work alongside directors, fellow actors, and crew members who share my passion for storytelling.

Together, we weave tapestries of emotion, intrigue, and authenticity that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Meet the Mind Behind ServiceStock

I am Louis Renaldo, a passionate and dedicated actor who believes in the power of storytelling to bridge hearts and minds.

My unique perspective and unwavering determination have fueled my artistic pursuits, allowing me to shatter barriers and redefine what it means to thrive in the world of entertainment. I thrive on collaboration and cherish the opportunity to work alongside directors, fellow actors, and crew members who share my passion for storytelling.

Together, we weave tapestries of emotion, intrigue, and authenticity that resonate with audiences worldwide.

What our Beta-Tester say

Become a Beta-tester


Professional Photographer

I've been a beta tester for ServiceStock, and it's been a game-changer for my job of a photographer. I managed to upload many of my photos and generate revenues already.


Video Editor

As a Video Editor, I often need some stock videos to add in my works for my clients. ServiceStock was fundamental to making my job faster and with the best quality in the market.


Ads Specialist

I manage ads for several businesses and I recently found out about ServiceStock. I used it to find some inspiring stock content for my client's creatives and increase their conversion rates.

What our Beta-Tester say

Become a Beta-tester


Professional Photographer

I've been a beta tester for ServiceStock, and it's been a game-changer for my job of a photographer. I managed to upload many of my photos and generate revenues already.


Video Editor

As a Video Editor, I often need some stock videos to add in my works for my clients. ServiceStock was fundamental to making my job faster and with the best quality in the market.


Ads Specialist

I manage ads for several businesses and I recently found out about ServiceStock. I used it to find some inspiring stock content for my client's creatives and increase their conversion rates.


Some of our Early Bird Plans are releasing, please sign up for more updates on extra releases and stretch goal rewards.


  • Sign up or join for free at our web application.
  • Instant Access to free downloads of stock media assets.
  • Instant URL link or by phone numb for believing in this project.
  • All available downloads which include photos, graphics, & videos.


  • Get a 1-year scribe plan of photo and graphic image subscriptions.
  • 10 Images $0.75 per image total: $7.50
  • 25 Images $0.70 per image total: $0.50
  • 50 Images $0.75 per image total: $7.50


  • Get a 1 -year scribe plan of both images and video subscriptions.
  • 5 Videos $8.00 per HD video total: $40.00
  • 10 Videos $7.00 per HD video total: $70.00
  • 25 Videos $5.00 per HD video total: $125.00


  • Get a 1-year scribe plan of both images and video subscriptions.
  • Support and guidelines on how to market and sell your services.
  • Lifetime to downloads and services without limitations. * No no restrictions on uploads and free instant messaging between user.
  • Get referrals by users and content managers on promoting your expertise.


Some of our Early Bird Plans are releasing, please sign up for more updates on extra releases and stretch goal rewards.


  • Sign up or join for free at our web application.
  • Instant Access to free downloads of stock media assets.
  • Instant URL link or by phone numb for believing in this project.
  • All available downloads which include photos, graphics, & videos.


  • Get a 1-year scribe plan of photo and graphic image subscriptions.
  • 10 Images $0.75 per image total: $7.50
  • 25 Images $0.70 per image total: $0.50
  • 50 Images $0.75 per image total: $7.50


  • Get a 1 -year scribe plan of both images and video subscriptions.
  • 5 Videos $8.00 per HD video total: $40.00
  • 10 Videos $7.00 per HD video total: $70.00
  • 25 Videos $5.00 per HD video total: $125.00


  • Get a 1-year scribe plan of both images and video subscriptions.
  • Support and guidelines on how to market and sell your services.
  • Lifetime to downloads and services without limitations. * No no restrictions on uploads and free instant messaging between user.
  • Get referrals by users and content managers on promoting your expertise.

Popular Questions

Say hello to an innovative digital solution that fits in your pocket.


Well to make it short it’s a creative digital marketplace where you can buy digital media content, and digital services all in one unique platform. It’s also a great place where you
can collaborate or network with photographers, cinematographers, videographers, graphic designers, ui / ux designers, web designers, and filmmakers.


Servicestock is an open marketplace that lets creative sellers connect with their customers based on there needs like, stock photos, graphics, and videos. Also customers and even contributors can request customized services to there liking.


Shutterstock, Alamy, and Vectorstock doesn't offer digital services, any communication
between potiental customers, and doesn't have any tailored specialists.


Create photos, graphics, and video designs for our customers, Upload your digital products on our platform, and earn income on any content that is being downloaded.


ServiceStock will be good for you no matter if your a buyer or seller because you can instant
connect with anyone who want to be involved within this designer and creative community.

Get Beta-Access!

Make sure to sign up to get notified about our beta access & the upcoming launch! Button Text: Sign up and Secure the Early Bird Plan

Our Location: 121 Henry Ave

Elmer, NJ 08318


Get Beta-Access!

Make sure to sign up to get notified about our beta access & the upcoming launch! Button Text: Sign up and Secure the Early Bird Plan

Our Location: 121 Henry Ave

Elmer, NJ 08318
